Monday, June 14, 2010

#086 Semi-Permanent

It's that time of year again kids, time to dust off your hipster bingo cards and start stamping off the hair quiffs, mac books and iphones, banter about Photoshop content aware fill, pass around your business card, and cry into your Carona about how everyone seems to be kicking arse with their self initated design business's while pretending it was the lime squirting in your eye.
I jibe. (Kind of.)

I've been a regular at Semi-Permanent in Sydney, and now I'm back in Nz am psyched about some quality home-grown speakers. Early birds are still available for in Auckland for what are two inspirational days of the year for sparking that little something that's been sitting dormant through the monotony of the daily design grind. Then there's the after party, where the real work starts.

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